Draft Foreshore Management Plan - Proposed Actions Consultation
Consultation has concluded for this project. Thank you for your interest and participation.

The City of Nedlands is seeking feedback from the community about the proposed actions of the Draft Foreshore Management Plan - a 30 year strategy for the river. Read the draft Plan by clicking HERE.
The City of Nedlands (the City) is home to a beautiful stretch of river foreshore, extending from Broadway, around Point Resolution to Watkins Road. The river foreshore is highly valued and used by local residents of the City of Nedlands as well as the wider Perth community.
This area of river foreshore is unique and varies considerably along its length from large open recreational spaces to narrow stretches directly abutting private residences.
Since 2021, the City of Nedlands has been working closely with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA); a consultant team; Nedlands Mayor and Councillors; and, the local community, to develop the City of Nedlands Foreshore Management Plan - a high-level, strategic approach to the management of the Nedlands Foreshore.
A Foreshore Management Plan is a strategic document that guides the use, activity, development and environmental protection of the marine and physical environment within the foreshore area.
This Foreshore Management Plan provides a framework for guiding the long-term management of the foreshore, specifically aiming to:
- Ensure consistency with the DBCA Swan Canning River Protection Strategy which aims to establish a pathway to help conserve the natural, cultural and social amenity values of the Riverpark.
- Create accessible and integrated public open spaces
- Create sustainability benchmarks
- Establish areas for different uses - sporting activities, passive recreation, and nature spaces
- Celebrate Aboriginal culture and foreshore history
- Create partnership, education and training opportunities
- Enhance Nedlands as a residential location of choice.
The City of Nedlands Foreshore Management Steering Committee at its meeting on Wednesday 12 June 2024, endorsed the Draft Foreshore Management Plan for community consultation.
Consultation Period
Consultation for the Draft Foreshore Management Plan will be open for four weeks (28 days).
Consultation opens: Friday 12 July 2024
Consultation closes: Friday 9 August 2024
Submitting Feedback
To submit your feedback please read the Draft Foreshore Management Plan by clicking HERE, then complete the survey using the survey link below.