Hampden/Hollywood Precinct survey

The Hampden Hollywood Precinct is located between the Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre and Stirling Highway and is home to the Hampden Road retail and commercial area. 

When Local Planning Scheme No. 3 was gazetted in April 2019 it included changes to the zoning and density coding that will allow for greater development density within the Precinct. The City of Nedlands is now undertaking an important initiative to develop a local planning framework, including a local planning policy (LPP), that will provide a design response that responds to and that is consistent with the character of the Hampden Hollywood Precinct. The LPP will contain built form controls that reflect the community’s desired future character for the Precinct. 

To do this, the City invited local landowners, residents, business owners and workers to nominate to be a part of a Community Reference Group (CRG) for the Hampden Hollywood Precinct. 13 CRG members were independently selected, representing a sample of the broader community.  

The CRG has met three times over the August to October 2021 period to investigate the CRG’s values, ideas and expectations for the neighbourhood. At the workshops, CRG members discussed and determined key themes and a number of preliminary built form controls for the Precinct. These controls have been tested by the project team’s architects for viability and feasibility, and now we want to hear from you.

This survey, as well as the Open House on 8 November 2021, is an opportunity for you (as part of the wider community) to confirm or provide other feedback on the CRG’s recommendations and to contribute to the future vision of the Precinct. 

We will use your feedback to edit and update the built form controls for the Hampden Hollywood Precinct. 

The architecture team will re-test the updated controls based on your feedback to make sure they work, meet the values for the Precinct and do not impact on yield. The updated controls will be used to inform the built form LPP that the City will prepare for the Hampden Hollywood Precinct.