JDAP Meeting Scheduled - Livestreamed
The Metro West Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) meeting has been scheduled for 9.30am Thursday 7 May 2020 for final determination of this application.
Due to recently issued proximity guidelines regarding COVID-19, the JDAP meeting will be live streamed via audio teleconferencing via Zoom. Should you wish to make a presentation to the meeting, this form is required to be filled out and returned to the DAP secretariat.
To access the meeting go to this link and follow the prompts, alternatively you can dial in using the phone number & unique ID below:
Dial by your location: +61 8 7150 1149
Meeting ID: 991 8951 3512
A copy of the agenda is available on the DAP website and can be viewed here.
Should you have any queries regarding the above, you can contact the City’s Strategic Planning and Place Officer at fiona.atkins@nedlands.wa.gov.au or on 9273 3500, however any questions in relation to the DAP meeting including the process to make a presentation, will need to be made directly to the DAP secretariat via email daps@dplh.wa.gov.au or on 6551 9919.
Consultation has concluded