Landscaping to commence shortly
The landscaping of Beaton Park in preparation for the All Abilities Play Space is about to commence. The area will be closed to the public whilst construction proceeds. You will also notice that the nearby barbecues will also be disconnected.
Whilst this work is being undertaken, the City will be commencing the purchase of the play equipment. Please see the document library to view the context plan.
Stage two of the river wall rehabilitation project will be continuing during this period with construction of the next section from an area near Tawarri Reception Centre to the Perth Flying Yacht Squadron. This is an exciting project as it includes improvements to the beach and the connection of the accessible beach area to the All Abilities Play Space. Planning for this next section is currently underway.
- Create opportunities for everyone to have fun regardless of their age, gender, abilities or cultural backgrounds;
- Provide the carers of children, and park visitors, with an environment where their varied needs are thoughtfully considered;
- Protect, enhance and celebrate the natural setting of the playground; and to
- Provide additional park facilities that support an outing to the play ground on the Swan River Foreshore (toilets, BBQ, car parking etc.).
Consultation has concluded