Why is the City proposing the signage within the West Melvista precinct?

    It is anticipated that the workforce required for the expected development at ‘The Melvista’ aged care facility will put an increased strain on the surrounding streets during the construction period and it is likely that they will utilise the current unrestricted streets for parking. This will reduce the turnover and availability of parking bays for businesses, residents, and visitors to the area. 

    The City believes that placing restrictions on parking within this precinct will reduce the potential impacts of increased vehicle volume on residents and businesses in this area. 

    Can I get a parking permit?

    Yes. Should you require a permit please contact our office on 9273 3500 or visiting the Ranger Services parking permit webpage for further information.

    Where are commercial vehicles expected to park?

    The suggested parking facility for the construction company is the verge adjacent College Park on the corner of Melvista Avenue and Bostock Road. These areas will provide a controlled facility for construction vehicles that reduces impact on the availability of parking for the precinct.

    Will this be a permanent change?

    It is anticipated that this change will be for the period of construction. Further community engagement may be provided as to the future needs of the temporary parking restrictions in this precinct.